ms. sue i also want to say this about leaves that they draw energy from their surroundings but how i make that relate with me?

Don't you draw energy from people around you? Don't you draw energy from sitting outside observing nature?

yes i do, so i say the leaves draw energy from their surroundings, i not know what else to say to make sentence longer

Trees draw energy from the rain, soil, and sunshine.

thanks very much ms. sue :)

To relate the concept of leaves drawing energy from their surroundings with yourself, you can think about how you, as a human, also draw energy from your surroundings in different ways.

Just like leaves harness energy from the sun through photosynthesis, you also rely on energy sources around you. One way you draw energy is through the food you eat. Foods provide essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which are converted into energy by your body.

Additionally, you derive energy from the air you breathe. Oxygen is taken in by your lungs and transported to your cells, where it participates in cellular respiration, releasing energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Furthermore, you extract energy from your environment through social interactions, relationships, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. These experiences contribute to your emotional and mental well-being, allowing you to recharge and thrive.

By considering these parallels, you can see the connection between leaves drawing energy from their surroundings and the different ways in which you, as a human, also rely on and draw energy from your surrounding environment.