find the product by using distributive property 241*107

one way:

241(100 +7) = 24100 + 1687 = 25787



समझ नहीं आया

Dont able to understand 🙄😠


To find the product of 241 multiplied by 107 using the distributive property, we can break down one of the numbers into its place value representation and then multiply each part by the other number.

Let's break down 107 into its place value representation:
107 = 100 + 7

Now, we can distribute 241 to each part:
241 * (100 + 7) = (241 * 100) + (241 * 7)

To calculate each part:
241 * 100 = 24,100
241 * 7 = 1,687

Finally, we add these results together:
24,100 + 1,687 = 25,787

Therefore, the product of 241 multiplied by 107 using the distributive property is 25,787.