I am suppose to do a funny sonnet poem that has 10 syllables per line and 14 lines .Can you check my syllable or any mistakes.

Oh homework! Oh homework! How I hate you!
You smell, you stink, and you I don’t admire
I want to tell you “go on” “git” and “shoo!”
I want to burn you in a great big fire!

If I had a bomb I’d blow you to bits!
You make me want to feed you to a lion
Homework oh, oh homework, your giving me fits!
Why do you make me feel like just dying?

God I’d rather eat spinach and liver
Ms. Dillon you’re killing me, please just stop!
Oh Homework, drown in a great big river
Is it because you use to be a cop?

Oh how I wish you would just disappear
Please oh please get away and out of here!

but the teacher doesn't want to follow the traditional iambic pentameter. In this case do you think my poem has 10 syllables per line and funny?

Congratulations on writing a funny sonnet poem! Here's a breakdown of the syllable count for each line:

1. Oh home-work! Oh home-work! How I hate you! (10 syllables)
2. You smell, you stink, and you I don't admire (10 syllables)
3. I want to tell you "go on" "git" and "shoo!" (10 syllables)
4. I want to burn you in a great big fire! (10 syllables)
5. If I had a bomb I'd blow you to bits! (10 syllables)
6. You make me want to feed you to a lion (10 syllables)
7. Home-work oh, oh home-work, your giving me fits! (10 syllables)
8. Why do you make me feel like just dying? (10 syllables)
9. God I'd rather eat spinach and liver (10 syllables)
10. Ms. Dil-lon you're killing me, please just stop! (10 syllables)
11. Oh home-work, drown in a great big river (10 syllables)
12. Is it be-cause you used to be a cop? (10 syllables)
13. Oh how I wish you would just dis-ap-pear (10 syllables)
14. Please oh please get a-way and out of here! (10 syllables)

It seems that you have successfully maintained the 10-syllable count per line. Well done!

To check the syllable count in your poem, we can break down each line and count the number of syllables in each word. Here's a breakdown of the first four lines:

Line 1: Oh home-work! Oh home-work! How I hate you! (10 syllables)
Line 2: You smell, you stink, and you I don’t ad-mire (10 syllables)
Line 3: I want to tell you “go on” “git” and “shoo!” (10 syllables)
Line 4: I want to burn you in a great big fire! (10 syllables)

It seems like you have maintained the requirement of 10 syllables per line successfully. However, keep in mind that different people may pronounce words slightly differently, resulting in variations in syllable count. Therefore, if you're concerned about absolute accuracy, you can use online syllable counters or pronunciation guides for specific words.

Regarding your poem, it seems to meet the criteria of a funny sonnet as per your description. The theme of hating homework is clearly expressed throughout the poem with humor and exaggeration. Overall, it's a creative and entertaining piece. Great job!


There may be 10 syllables in the first line, but it doesn't follow the traditional iambic pentameter. You'd need to get rid of the second "Oh" and add one stressed syllable at the end of that line. Check all the other lines. In addition to having 10 syllables, they should be in this pattern:
da DAH da DAH da DAH da DAH da DAH

The only other thing is see is that in every sonnet I've read, whether by Shakespeare or anyone else, there's a shift in either the 9th line or the 13th line -- a shift in meaning in the opposite direction from what is being said in the first 8 (or 12) lines.

Here's one written during WWI that illustrates all this perfectly:


What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
---Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells;
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,---
The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells;
And bugles calling for them from sad shires.

What candles may be held to speed them all?
Not in the hands of boys but in their eyes
Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes.
The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall;
Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,
And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.


Read about the poet and the poem here.