i need facts why N.A.S.A should not shut down :) please hel pi cant find anything on google

Read through some of these sites to see the ongoing NASA programs.



You're welcome.

Certainly! While there may not be concrete facts specifically outlining why NASA should not be shut down, we can explore some points that highlight the importance of NASA and the benefits it provides:

1. Advancing scientific knowledge: NASA's research and discoveries have significantly contributed to our understanding of the universe, Earth, and our place in it. From studying distant planets to exploring the effects of space travel on the human body, NASA has contributed invaluable knowledge that has benefited various scientific disciplines.

To delve deeper into this point, you can visit NASA's website or explore NASA-supported scientific publications and research papers. These sources will provide concrete examples of how NASA's work has added to our understanding of the world.

2. Technological advancements: NASA's missions have led to numerous technological breakthroughs that find practical applications in our daily lives. For instance, innovations in materials science, robotics, satellite communications, and medical technologies have emerged as byproducts of NASA's space exploration endeavors.

To explore this further, you can research specific technologies that have benefited from NASA's research and development, such as solar panels, water filtration systems, and memory foam mattresses. Examining the direct impact of these technologies can exemplify the importance of NASA's continued existence.

3. Economic impact: NASA's presence has a ripple effect on the economy. As a government agency, NASA provides significant funding to various research projects, private companies, and universities. This financial support helps drive innovation, generates employment, and encourages economic growth in related industries.

To better understand NASA's economic impact, you could look for studies or reports that analyze the economic benefits derived from NASA's activities. These resources might highlight job creation, revenue generation, and the overall contribution to the national and global economies.

By researching and gathering more information about these areas, you will develop a better understanding of why NASA should not be shut down and be able to strengthen your argument with concrete facts.