A researcher wishes to estimate the proportion of college students who cheat on exams. A poll of 490 college students showed that 33% of them had, or intended to, cheat on examinations. Find the margin of error for the 95% confidence interval.

Margin of error = (1.96)[√(pq/n)]

...where p = .33, q = 1 - p, and n = 490

Note: 1.96 represents 95% confidence interval.

Plug the values into the formula and calculate.

I let you take it from here.


To find the margin of error for the 95% confidence interval, we need the following information:

1. Sample size (n): The number of college students surveyed, which is given as 490.
2. Proportion (p): The proportion of college students who cheat on exams, which is given as 33% or 0.33.

The margin of error (E) can be calculated using the formula:

E = Z * sqrt((p * (1 - p)) / n)

- Z is the Z-score corresponding to the desired confidence level. For a 95% confidence interval, the Z-score is approximately 1.96.
- sqrt is the square root function.

Let's plug in the values and calculate the margin of error:

E = 1.96 * sqrt((0.33 * (1 - 0.33)) / 490)

First, we calculate the inside part of the square root:

0.33 * (1 - 0.33) = 0.33 * 0.67 = 0.2211

Then, we calculate the square root:

sqrt(0.2211 / 490) ≈ 0.0174

Finally, we multiply by the Z-score:

E = 1.96 * 0.0174 ≈ 0.034

Therefore, the margin of error for the 95% confidence interval is approximately 0.034 or 3.4%.