A 30m radius automobile tire rotates

To understand the rotation of a tire, you need to know a few key details: the radius of the tire and the rate of rotation. Let's assume the tire has a radius of 30 meters, as mentioned in your question.

To determine how fast the tire is rotating, we need to know the linear velocity or the angular velocity. Linear velocity refers to the speed of a point on the edge of the tire moving in a straight line, while angular velocity refers to the rate at which the tire spins around its center.

If we are given the linear velocity (v), we can calculate the angular velocity (ω) using the following equation:

ω = v / r

Here, r represents the radius of the tire.

On the other hand, if we are provided with the angular velocity (ω), we can find the linear velocity (v) through the equation:

v = ω * r

Having clarified these concepts, please provide the linear or angular velocity of the tire, so I can help you calculate the other parameter.