the points that amelia scored for each game are shown 325, 198, 262, 301, 275, 229 after her seventh ga, the range of her points was 129 points how many points did she score in the seventh game

She either scored 196 points or 327 points.

i don't understand the question

She either scored 196 or 327 points

Explaination: Range is difference between greatest and smallest numbers. We know the answer of range that is 129.
If we consider 325 as greatest number than we can subtract 129 from 325 and get smallest number - 196.
If we consider 198 as smallest number than we can add 129 to 198 and get greatest number - 327.

To find out how many points Amelia scored in the seventh game, we need to calculate the range of her points.

The range is the difference between the highest and lowest scores. In this case, the range is given as 129 points.

Let's write down all the points Amelia scored for each game:
325, 198, 262, 301, 275, 229

To find the highest and lowest scores, we need to compare all the scores.

The highest score is 325, and the lowest score is unknown. Let's call it "x".

To calculate "x", we can subtract the range from the highest score:
x = 325 - 129
x = 196

Now we know that the lowest score is 196.

Since the seventh game's score is missing, let's call it "y". Now we can calculate "y" using the range:

y = x + range
y = 196 + 129
y = 325

Therefore, Amelia scored 325 points in the seventh game.