how could you set up an experiment to show that the oxygen is coming from the plant and not from the water???

can someone please help

o2 is liberated due to the breakdown of water not from co2 proved by ruben and camen

To set up an experiment to show that the oxygen is coming from the plant and not from the water, you can conduct the following procedure:

Materials needed:
1. A healthy aquatic plant (such as Elodea or Cabomba)
2. Water
3. A transparent container (such as a beaker or a clear glass)
4. A light source (such as a lamp)
5. A source of carbon dioxide (optional)

1. Fill the transparent container with water, enough to submerge the aquatic plant completely.
2. Place the aquatic plant in the container, ensuring that all parts of the plant are underwater.
3. Place the container with the plant under the light source.
4. Let the setup remain undisturbed for a few hours to allow the process of photosynthesis to occur.

1. Observe the bubbles that form on the plant leaves or stems.
2. Note the rate and frequency of the bubble formation.
3. Observe the effects of different conditions if using a source of carbon dioxide.

During photosynthesis, plants use carbon dioxide, water, and light energy to produce glucose and oxygen. The oxygen is a byproduct of the photosynthetic process. By setting up the experiment as described, we can determine if the oxygen being produced comes from the plant rather than the water.

When the plant is exposed to light, it undergoes photosynthesis. Oxygen bubbles are released as a result of the plant producing oxygen. If the oxygen is coming from the plant, you would observe bubbles forming on the plant's leaves or stems. These bubbles would indicate that the oxygen is being produced by the plant during photosynthesis. If there are no bubbles forming, it may suggest that the plant is not photosynthesizing or very little photosynthesis is occurring.

To confirm that the oxygen comes from the plant and not from the water, you can also perform a control experiment by removing the plant and repeating the same conditions with just water. If there are no bubbles observed in the control experiment, it would further support the idea that the oxygen is indeed coming from the plant during photosynthesis.