What Is 9/10 As A Whole Number?=D

It can be 0.9 (even though it's not a whole #).

What Is 9.10 whole number

To convert a fraction to a whole number, you need to check if the numerator (the top number) is divisible by the denominator (the bottom number).

In this case, the fraction is 9/10. To determine if 9 is divisible by 10, you can divide 9 by 10 using long division or a calculator.

By performing the division, you will find that 9 divided by 10 equals 0.9. This means that 9/10 is a decimal, not a whole number.

If you want to represent 9/10 as a whole number, you would need to round it. However, it's important to note that rounding a fraction to a whole number can result in imprecision.

A fraction cannot be a whole number.