Write 3 sentences with a preposition in each.

1.I waited outside for an hour for the concert to start. Outside is preposition?

2.He went down the elevator to go to the second floor. down is preposition?

3.We went inside each room to find the missing key. Inside is preposition?

1. Outside is used as an adverb here. It doesn't start a phrase, but modifies waited. What is the preposition?

2. and 3 are correct.

How about this? The pencil fell and it landed beneath my desk.

Beneath is preposition?


oK thanks

You're welcome.

Yes, you are correct! In each of the sentences, "outside," "down," and "inside" are indeed prepositions. Prepositions are words that typically show a spatial or temporal relationship between objects, people, or places. They are commonly used to indicate location, direction, time, or manner. Well done!