Use a net to find the length and width of a single sheet of paper that could be used to wrap the entire gift box. l = 6 in w = 4 in h = 2 in

To find the length and width of a single sheet of paper that could be used to wrap the entire gift box, we need to determine the dimensions of the net of the box.

A net is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional shape that, when cut out and folded, can be formed into the actual shape. The net of a box consists of six rectangular faces that can be unfolded and laid flat.

Given the dimensions of the gift box:
Length (l) = 6 inches
Width (w) = 4 inches
Height (h) = 2 inches

To find the dimensions of the net, we need to consider the face that wraps around the length and width of the box, as well as the face that wraps around the length and height of the box, and the face that wraps around the width and height of the box.

For the face that wraps around the length and width, the dimensions would be:
Length (l) = 6 inches
Width (w) = 4 inches

For the face that wraps around the length and height, the dimensions would be:
Length (l) = 6 inches
Height (h) = 2 inches

For the face that wraps around the width and height, the dimensions would be:
Width (w) = 4 inches
Height (h) = 2 inches

To find the length and width of a single sheet of paper, we add together the dimensions of the three faces:

Length = 6 inches + 4 inches + 6 inches = 16 inches
Width = 4 inches + 2 inches + 2 inches = 8 inches

Therefore, a single sheet of paper that could be used to wrap the entire gift box would need to be 16 inches in length and 8 inches in width.