what is the outcome of the battle of Marthenon?

Someone please help me with this question because right now the time is 9:12 PM!!!!!!! I am supposed to be in bed and snoring at 9:30!!!!! So please someone make it quick!!!! As you can see, I am in a super big time rush!!!! So someone please try your best to help me by telling what you know!!!

Thank you for your coroperation and please consider this note and please make it quick since as you can see i am in a big time rush!!!! So please try your best to help me and once again, thank you for your coroperation even though this note is very long. Thank you again!!!

not marthenon i mean marathon!!!!!!!!

sorry for my spelling error everyone. I think now every one understands my question now!!!!! WHOOPSIES!!!!! :D






Why thank you!!!! Now I shall be able to go to bed on time because of you mrs.Sue.thank you for your consideration!!!

You're very welcome, Schemmer.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any specific information about a "battle of Marthenon." It's possible that you might be referring to a battle with a different name or a lesser-known event. Historical battles often have various names or spellings associated with them, so it's important to consider alternate names or variations.

To find information about the outcome of a specific battle, you can try the following steps:

1. Verify the correct name: Double-check the name of the battle you're referring to. Check for any alternative spellings, variations, or different names associated with the event.

2. Search online resources: Utilize search engines, historical databases, or reputable websites specializing in military history to search for the specific battle you are interested in. Use the correct name and any relevant keywords to narrow down the results.

3. Consult history books or encyclopedias: Check academic books, historical textbooks, or encyclopedias that cover the period or region in which the battle occurred. These sources often provide comprehensive information about notable battles.

4. Visit local libraries or museums: If the battle has significant historical importance or took place in a specific region, consider visiting local libraries or museums dedicated to that area's history. They may have relevant resources or experts who can provide more information.

Remember, if the battle you mentioned is less well-known or has a different name, it may be challenging to find specific details.