Consider the points P(20, 20), X(a,b) and Y(a+20, b+20). Is Y=T-op-(X), where Ois the origin. explain

To determine if Y=T-op-(X), we need to compare the coordinates of Y with the coordinates of T, which is obtained by reflecting X about the origin O.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. Determine the coordinates of T:
To find the reflection of a point X(a, b) about the origin O(0, 0), we need to change the signs of the coordinates. Therefore, the coordinates of T will be (-a, -b).

2. Determine the coordinates of Y:
Y(a + 20, b + 20) is given in the question.

3. Compare the coordinates of Y and T:
Since Y(a + 20, b + 20) and T(-a, -b), we can see that the x-coordinate of Y is the negative of the x-coordinate of T, and the same applies to the y-coordinates.

Hence, Y=T-op-(X) is true in this case. The given point Y(20 + 20, 20 + 20) is the reflection of X(20, 20) about the origin O(0, 0).