which word is the best replacement for big in the first paragraph? enormous important older spacious i put important ( it said lumberjacks are big strong men. but Paul Bunyan was the biggest and strongest of all.he was so big that he used a pine tree to comb his beard. he was so strong that he could drive a tree stump into the ground with his fist).

the word "big" has to do with size in this paragraph. Please re-think.

To find the best replacement for the word "big" in the first paragraph, we need to look for a word that emphasizes the extraordinary size of Paul Bunyan. The options given are: enormous, important, older, and spacious.

Out of these options, "enormous" is the most suitable replacement for "big" in this context. This is because "enormous" means extremely large or huge, which accurately describes the magnitude of Paul Bunyan's size and strength.

To arrive at this answer, compare the definitions and synonyms of each word. Assess how well each word fits the given context by considering the information provided about Paul Bunyan's size and strength. In this case, "enormous" best captures the idea of his exceptional size.