What time will it be in 35 minutes? the clock shows 5:30 will it be 6:00 6:05 5:55 or 7:05? i put 6:05 is it right?

1 h = 60 min

5 h 30 min + 35 min =

5 h + 65 min =

5 h + 60 min + 5 min

= 5 h + 1 h + 5 min =

6 h 5 min = 6:05

To determine the time 35 minutes from now, you need to add 35 minutes to the current time.

The current time is 5:30.

To calculate the time 35 minutes from now, you can add 35 minutes to the minute value and, if needed, adjust the hour value accordingly.

Adding 30 minutes (5:30 + 30 minutes) results in 6:00.

Since 35 minutes is more than 30 minutes, you have to add an additional 5 minutes to reach 35 minutes. So the time will be 6:05.

Therefore, your answer of 6:05 is correct.