Some rearview mirrors produce images of cars behind you that are smaller than they would be if the mirror were flat. What is a mirror's radius of curvature if cars 23.0 m away appear .36x their normal size?

I got .24 meters but it is wrong??

I got it !!

To solve this problem, we can use the mirror equation, which relates the object distance, image distance, and focal length of a curved mirror. Rearview mirrors generally have a convex shape, meaning they bulge outwards.

The formula for the mirror equation is:

1/f = 1/do + 1/di

- f represents the focal length of the mirror,
- do is the object distance (distance between the mirror and the object),
- di is the image distance (distance between the mirror and the image).

In this case, the rearview mirror produces an image of the car that is smaller than its actual size. So, we can assume that the image distance (di) is negative (as the image is formed behind the mirror) and the object distance (do) is positive.

- Cars appear 0.36 times their normal size, so the height of the image (Hi) is 0.36 times the height of the object (Ho).
- The car is 23.0 m away from the mirror (do = 23.0 m).

We can calculate the radius of curvature (R) using the magnification equation:

Hi/Ho = -di/do

Substituting the given values:
0.36 = -di/23.0

Rearranging the equation, we find:
di = -0.36 * 23.0 = -8.28 m

Now that we know the image distance (di), we can plug it into the mirror equation to find the focal length (f):

1/f = 1/do + 1/di
1/f = 1/23.0 + 1/-8.28

Calculating further:
1/f = (8.28-23.0)/(23.0*-8.28)
1/f = -0.134

Taking the reciprocal on both sides gives us:
f = -1/0.134 = -7.46 m

However, it's important to note that in this situation, we have found a negative focal length value. It indicates that the mirror is diverging instead of converging, which is not physically possible for a rearview mirror.

Based on this discrepancy, it seems there might be an error in either the provided values or calculations.

Please double-check the given information and calculations to determine the correct answer.