To the nearest tenth of a Joule, what is the total energy of the pendulum in problem 2?

To find the total energy of the pendulum in problem 2, we first need to know the mass of the pendulum and its height or distance from the pivot point. This information is usually provided in the problem statement. With these two values, we can calculate the potential energy and kinetic energy of the pendulum using the formulas:

Potential Energy (PE) = mgh
Kinetic Energy (KE) = (1/2) * mv^2

where m is the mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s^2), h is the height, and v is the velocity of the pendulum.

Once we have the potential energy and kinetic energy, we can add them together to get the total energy of the pendulum:

Total Energy (TE) = PE + KE

Since we don't have the specific values for mass, height, or velocity, we cannot calculate the total energy of the pendulum in problem 2.