If a patient is lying on his back, face upward, he's in the ------position.

A. shock
D. recumbent
can someone check my answer which is (D )

Recumbent is correct.

Also known as supine position.

To determine the correct answer to the question, let's review the options:

A. shock: This option refers to a medical condition that occurs when the body doesn't receive enough blood flow, typically resulting from a severe injury or illness. It does not describe a position.

B. anatomical: This option relates to the standard position used in medicine to describe the human body. The anatomical position is standing upright, facing forward, with arms at the sides and palms forward. It does not refer to a patient lying on their back.

C. prone: This option describes a position in which the patient is lying face downward, with the chest and abdomen facing the ground. It is not the correct answer for a patient lying face upward.

D. recumbent: This option does refer to a position in which the patient is lying down, typically on their back, face upward. This position is commonly used in medical settings when examining or treating patients.

Based on the given information, your answer of (D) recumbent is indeed correct.