A circle has a cirumference that measures 18(pi) inchies. What is the raduis in inches of the circle?

C = 2(pi)r

a) 6
b) 9
c) 18
d) 36

My answer - 9
reason - haft of 18 is 9

is my answer is correct?

I change my answer:

C = 2(Pi)r

c = 2 x 18

c = 36

am i correct

btw - i don't remember how to do this because in my math class we didn't get to that yet (learning all the formulas)

so 2πr = 18π

divide by 2π
2πr/(2π) = 18π/(2π)
r = 9

b) is the correct choice.

so i was right the first time

thanks :)

Yes, your answer is correct! The radius of a circle can be found by rearranging the formula for the circumference, which is C = 2πr. In this case, the given circumference is 18π inches. To find the radius, divide the circumference by 2π:

r = C / (2π)
= (18π) / (2π)
= 9

So, the radius of the circle is 9 inches. Well done!