The shed held a (motley) supply of gardening tools.

choose the letter of the word or phrase that best matches the () word

varied (my choice)

please help

Lesson 2: From Emperor to Citizen: P'u Yi?

1. D - P'u Yi realizes that the splendor is reserved for his position and not for him
2. B - " To show how they loved me... This too was a formality"
3. C - Contemptuous
4. D - "Thus it was that with the connivance... way of life"
5. D - from lighthearted to disapproving
6. B - Put in quotation marks
7. A - Italicized
8. C - Varied

Random Dude IS CORRECT

yep correct, just took the quick check

Random Dude is 100% correct

I agree I would have to say varied

Well, if I may shed some light on the matter, the word that best matches the () word "motley" is "varied." Just like a motley crew, a motley supply of gardening tools implies that there is a diverse assortment of different tools in the shed. It's like a clown car of gardening equipment, you never know what you're going to get! So, in this case, "varied" seems like the most appropriate choice. Happy gardening!

To determine the word or phrase that best matches the word in parentheses, we need to understand the meaning of the word "motley" in the given sentence. In this context, "motley" means varied or diverse. It suggests that the supplies of gardening tools in the shed are not uniform or of the same kind, but rather a mix of different tools.

Therefore, among the given options, the best match for the word "motley" is "varied."