What event occured in the U.S. between 1861-1865?

Civil War?

What is located at 0 latitude and 0 longitude?
Gulf of Guinea

Name the 3 famous Civil RIghts leaders for African-Americans.
Harriet Tubman,Frederick Douglas,and Dred Scott?


However, there were many more than 3 famous civil rights leaders. Later, the most noted one was Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ok,Thanks! :)

Yes, the correct event that occurred in the U.S. between 1861 and 1865 is the Civil War.

To find out about this event, you can search for "events in the U.S. between 1861-1865" or "U.S. history between 1861-1865" on a search engine like Google. This will provide you with various sources such as history websites, books, and articles that discuss the Civil War and its significance.

For the question about what is located at 0 latitude and 0 longitude, the correct answer is the Gulf of Guinea.

To find this information, you can use an online mapping tool or search for "0 latitude 0 longitude location" on a search engine. This will bring up maps and articles that explain the coordinates and show you the exact location.

However, the answer provided for the question regarding the three famous Civil Rights leaders for African-Americans is incorrect. The correct answer is Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X.

To verify this information, you can search for "famous Civil Rights leaders for African-Americans" or "important figures in the Civil Rights movement" on a search engine. You will find numerous sources like history books, biographies, and reputable websites that will provide you with accurate information about these leaders and their contributions to the Civil Rights movement.