Show the formula correctly being solved for the variable c.

W = (c + m +y)/z

Multiply both sides by Z, then subtract m and y.

These are my choices of answers:

A. c = (wz)/(m+y)
B. C = (Wz+Y)/m
C. C = wz-m-y
D. c = wz+y+m

This is where I get confused. Do I bring the wz and put on the top of m+y?

Please explain. Thank you so much.

wz = c + m + y

If you subtract m and y from both sides, what do you get?

To solve the formula W = (c + m + y) / z for the variable c, we need to isolate c on one side of the equation. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Start with the given formula:
W = (c + m + y) / z

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by z to eliminate the denominator:
W * z = c + m + y

Step 3: Simplify the right side of the equation by combining like terms:
c + m + y = W * z

Step 4: Finally, isolate the variable c by subtracting m and y from both sides of the equation:
c = W * z - m - y

Therefore, the formula solved for the variable c is:
c = W * z - m - y