During the Columbian Exchange what diseases were brought from the new world to Europe?

The only disease I found originating in the New World is syphilis.



During the Columbian Exchange, several diseases were introduced to Europe from the New World. Some of the most significant diseases that were brought over include:

1. Smallpox: Smallpox, a highly contagious and deadly disease, was one of the most devastating diseases to be introduced during the exchange. It is estimated to have killed millions of people in Europe, particularly among the indigenous populations who had no immunity to the disease.

2. Syphilis: Syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, was also introduced to Europe during the Columbian Exchange. While the exact origin of syphilis is still debated, there is evidence to suggest that the disease was present among the Native American populations and was brought back to Europe by Columbus' crew.

3. Measles: Measles, a highly contagious viral disease, was another significant disease brought to Europe from the New World. Like other diseases, measles spread rapidly in Europe, causing widespread outbreaks and leading to high mortality rates, especially among the native populations.

4. Influenza: Influenza, a respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus, was likely introduced to Europe during the Columbian Exchange. The introduction of new strains of the virus led to pandemics and recurring outbreaks, affecting populations that had not previously been exposed to these strains.

Getting the answer to this question involves examining historical records and studying the documented effects of the Columbian Exchange on European populations. Researchers and historians analyze primary sources, such as journals, diaries, and medical records, to understand the impact of diseases during that period. Additionally, archaeological evidence and genetic studies also contribute to our knowledge of disease transmission during the Columbian Exchange.