To say a substance is electrically polarized is to say that its net charge is ____________________. A) either negative or positive, but relatively weak.B) weakly positive in sign.C) None of these.D) is normally zero with opposite charges on opposite ends.E) weakly negative in sign.

To determine the answer to this question, let's first understand the concept of electric polarization. Electric polarization refers to the process in which the positive and negative charges within a substance are separated, resulting in the creation of an electric dipole.

Now, based on this understanding, let's evaluate the options:

A) Option A states that the net charge of a polarized substance can be either negative or positive, but relatively weak. This statement is partially correct, as a polarized substance can have separated charges, but it does not necessarily imply that the charges are weak. Therefore, option A does not accurately describe the net charge of a polarized substance.

B) Option B suggests that the net charge of a polarized substance is weakly positive in sign. This statement is incorrect since the net charge could be negative, positive, or even neutral, depending on the arrangement and orientation of the charges within the substance.

C) Option C states that none of the options provided accurately describe the net charge of a polarized substance. While this option is not specific about the correct answer, it conveys that options A, B, D, and E are all incorrect.

D) Option D suggests that the net charge of a polarized substance is normally zero with opposite charges on opposite ends. This statement is correct, as electric polarization results in the separation of charges, creating opposite charges at different ends of the substance. This configuration enables the substance to have a neutral overall charge.

E) Option E claims that the net charge of a polarized substance is weakly negative in sign. This statement is incorrect as the net charge can be negative, positive, or even neutral. Option E does not accurately define the net charge of a polarized substance.

Given the explanations above, the correct answer is D) is normally zero with opposite charges on opposite ends.