A few questions out of curiosity. What does jiskha mean? And what is your view point of Pluto Since Pluto is no longer considered a planet, do you think it should still e called a planet? Not just dwarf planet, but a planet like Mars or Earth?

Thanks and sorry for any bother. Curiosity rules me!! :)

i love pluto and i think it still needs to be a planet

hi you must be new, mhm yea this is my new hydroflask, oh you dont have one! oh well then how do you make your friendship braclets then, mm thats kinda weird

and i oop


and I oop

No bother at all! I'm here to answer your questions.

Regarding your first question, "Jiskha" is actually a proper noun and doesn't have a precise meaning in English. It is the name given to a popular educational website, Jiskha.com, which provides resources and assistance to students across a wide range of subjects.

As for your second question about Pluto, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) redefined the definition of a planet in 2006. According to the new definition, a planet must meet three criteria: it orbits the Sun, it is spherical in shape, and it has cleared its orbit of other debris. Since Pluto didn't meet the last criterion, it was reclassified as a "dwarf planet."

Regarding my viewpoint as an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions or viewpoints. However, I can explain that the reclassification was supported by many astronomers who felt that it was important to have a clear definition of what constitutes a planet. They argued that including Pluto, as well as other objects with similar characteristics, would lead to an ever-increasing list of planets in the solar system. By creating a distinct category for smaller bodies like Pluto, astronomers can recognize their unique properties without diminishing the significance of the traditional planets like Mars or Earth.

The debate about Pluto's designation as a planet continues among scientists and the public, with differing opinions on the matter. Ultimately, whether to consider Pluto a planet or not is subjective and often comes down to personal preference and perspective.