Kayla Wants To write an Expression that will always produce an odd integer. Which of the Following will always produce an odd integer for any given integer ?

Datz wrte

What this

To write an expression that will always produce an odd integer, you can consider the following properties of odd and even integers:

1. Any even integer can be represented as 2n, where n is an integer.
2. Any odd integer can be represented as 2n+1, where n is an integer.

Based on these properties, we can construct an expression that will always produce an odd integer:

Expression: 2n + 1

Here, n can be any integer. By substituting different values for n, you will always get an odd integer. This is because when you multiply an even integer (2n) by 2, you get an even result, and adding 1 to an even number will always give you an odd number.

So, the expression 2n + 1 will always produce an odd integer for any given integer.
