A student tipped the watch glass and spilled the solution containing organic component X. Use the

data given below to estimate the percent of organic solid X in the sample.

Mass of sample 0.6084g
Mass of water soluble component, Y 0.1565g
Mass of insoluble component, Z 0.2293g

% Component Y = 25.72%
% Component Z = 37.69%

% of organic solid X = 100 - 25.72 - 37.69
= 36.59%

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Yes, your work is correct. To estimate the percentage of organic solid X in the sample, you subtract the percentages of the water-soluble component Y and the insoluble component Z from 100%.

Given the information you provided:

Mass of the sample = 0.6084g
Mass of water-soluble component Y = 0.1565g
Mass of insoluble component Z = 0.2293g

Percentage of component Y = 25.72%
Percentage of component Z = 37.69%

To find the percentage of organic solid X, you subtract the percentages of Y and Z from 100:

% of organic solid X = 100 - 25.72 - 37.69 = 36.59%

Therefore, the estimated percentage of organic solid X in the sample is 36.59%.