can anyone help me with this? I'm new to java! Write a program that will find the lowest common denominator of two numbers. The user will enter the two denominators, the program will output both the lowest common denominator and the multipliers required for each fraction. For example, if the user is trying to add 1/3 and 1/4, the input would be 3 and 4, the output should be: The lowest common denominator is 12.multiple 1/3 by 4/4 and 1/4 by 3/3 to convert the fractions.

Yes, we will be pleased to help you.

For this problem, you will need to know how to find common denominators, which is basically the lowest common multiple (LCM) of the denominators.

To do this, there are to approaches.
The conventional approach is to factorize each denominator, and find the LCM by removing the common factors.

Graphically, it would be like:
So the LCM is, or
The highest common factor being 2.2.2=8, we can also find the LCM by
It is possible to implement this in computer programming, by successively dividing by potential factors, and keep track of the product of all common factors, which will become the HCF. The LCM will be the product of the two numbers divided by the HCF.

Algorithmetically, it is simpler to find the HCF by Euclid's division, but that's an optional implementation.

Write if you need further help.

Sure! I can help you write a Java program that finds the lowest common denominator of two numbers.

Here's an explanation of how we can approach this problem:

1. First, we need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of the two denominators provided by the user. The LCM is the smallest number that is divisible by both denominators.

2. To find the LCM, we can use the formula LCM(a, b) = (a * b) / GCD(a, b), where GCD(a, b) represents the greatest common divisor of a and b.

3. We can calculate the GCD using the Euclidean algorithm, which repeatedly subtracts the smaller number from the larger number until both numbers are equal. The resulting number is the GCD.

4. Once we have the LCM, we can find the multipliers required for each fraction. The multiplier for a fraction is equal to the LCM divided by its original denominator.

5. Finally, we can multiply each numerator by its corresponding multiplier to convert the fractions to a common denominator.

Now, let's write the Java code to implement this logic:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class LowestCommonDenominator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Enter the first denominator: ");
int denominator1 = scanner.nextInt();

System.out.print("Enter the second denominator: ");
int denominator2 = scanner.nextInt();

int lcm = findLCM(denominator1, denominator2);
int multiplier1 = lcm / denominator1;
int multiplier2 = lcm / denominator2;

System.out.println("The lowest common denominator is: " + lcm);
System.out.println("Multiply 1/" + denominator1 + " by " + multiplier1 + "/" + multiplier1);
System.out.println("Multiply 1/" + denominator2 + " by " + multiplier2 + "/" + multiplier2);


// Method to find the least common multiple (LCM) using the GCD
public static int findLCM(int a, int b) {
int gcd = findGCD(a, b);
return (a * b) / gcd;

// Method to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) using the Euclidean algorithm
public static int findGCD(int a, int b) {
if (b == 0) {
return a;

return findGCD(b, a % b);

To compile and run this code, you can follow these steps:
1. Open a text editor and paste the above code into a new file called "".
2. Save the file and open a command prompt or terminal.
3. Navigate to the directory where you saved the file.
4. Compile the Java file by running the command: `javac`
5. Run the compiled program using the command: `java LowestCommonDenominator`
6. Enter the two denominators when prompted, and the program will output the results.

I hope this explanation and code helps you get started with solving the problem in Java. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!