please help Calculate the volume in mm3 of a slice of potato if it is cut into the shape of a rectangular prism (volume = length x width x height), which is 2.24 cm long, 0.84cm wide and 2.88cm high

The easy way is to make the conversions to mm before finding the volume.

That's 22.4 mm long by 8.4 mm wide by 28.8 mm high.


To calculate the volume of a rectangular prism, you need to multiply its length, width, and height. However, the given dimensions are in centimeters, so we need to convert them to millimeters since volume is measured in cubic millimeters (mm3).

First, let's convert the given dimensions from centimeters to millimeters:
- Length: 2.24 cm = 2.24 × 10 mm = 22.4 mm
- Width: 0.84 cm = 0.84 × 10 mm = 8.4 mm
- Height: 2.88 cm = 2.88 × 10 mm = 28.8 mm

Now that we have the dimensions in millimeters, we can calculate the volume of the slice of potato:

Volume = Length × Width × Height
= 22.4 mm × 8.4 mm × 28.8 mm
= 5,615.872 mm³
≈ 5,616 mm³

Therefore, the volume of the slice of potato, in cubic millimeters (mm3), is approximately 5,616 mm³.