what question should you ask while reading a memoir?

A. what prompted the author to write this?
B. Why is the author focusing on this event?
C. what am i supposed to take away from this memoir?
D. All of the above

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B. Why is the author focusing on this event?

The correct answer is D. All of the above. While reading a memoir, it is essential to ask a variety of questions to gain a deeper understanding and connect with the author's experiences. Here's an explanation for each option:

A. "What prompted the author to write this?" - By asking this question, you are trying to understand the motivating factors that led the author to share their personal story. It allows you to delve into the author's intentions and gain insight into why their memoir is significant.

B. "Why is the author focusing on this event?" - This question encourages you to analyze the reasons behind the author's decision to emphasize a particular event or series of events in their memoir. It aids in comprehending the central themes or messages they are trying to convey through their writing.

C. "What am I supposed to take away from this memoir?" - This question prompts critical thinking and reflection on the lessons, values, or perspectives the author wants readers to gain from their memoir. It encourages personal interpretation and understanding of the deeper meaning within the narrative.

By asking all of these questions, you engage with the memoir on multiple levels, gaining insight into the author's motivations, choices, and intended messages, which enhances your overall reading experience.