write a road race program for the event 5k Run and Walk Road Race using data structures

To write a road race program for a 5k Run and Walk Road Race using data structures, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Define the Data Structures
Start by defining the appropriate data structures needed to store the information for the race participants. You can use structures or classes to define each runner's information, such as their name, age, gender, race type (run or walk), and the time they completed the race.

Step 2: Collect Participant Information
Create a function or a series of prompts to collect the information of the participants, such as their name, age, gender, and race type (run or walk). Store this information into your data structures.

Step 3: Calculate Race Results
Implement a function to calculate the results of the race. Sort the participants based on their completion time. For the 5k Run, you can sort the participants based on their running time, while for the 5k Walk, you can sort them alphabetically or simply in the order they finished.

Step 4: Display Race Results
Create a function to display the race results. Iterate over the sorted data structures and print out the information of each participant, including their name, time, and any other relevant details.

Step 5: Implement the Main Program
Build the main program that performs the following tasks:
- Calls the function to collect participant information.
- Calls the function to calculate race results.
- Calls the function to display the race results.

Here is a sample implementation in Python:

class Participant:
def __init__(self, name, age, gender, race_type, time):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.gender = gender
self.race_type = race_type
self.time = time

def collect_participant_information():
participants = []
num_participants = int(input("Enter the number of participants: "))

for i in range(num_participants):
print(f"\nEnter information for participant #{i+1}:")
name = input("Name: ")
age = int(input("Age: "))
gender = input("Gender: ")
race_type = input("Race Type (Run/Walk): ")
time = float(input("Time (in minutes): "))

participant = Participant(name, age, gender, race_type, time)

return participants

def calculate_race_results(participants):
if participants:
if participants[0].race_type.lower() == "run":
participants.sort(key=lambda x: x.time)
participants.sort(key=lambda x: x.name)

def display_race_results(participants):
print("\n=== Race Results ===")

for i, participant in enumerate(participants):
print(f"\nRank: {i+1}")
print(f"Name: {participant.name}")
print(f"Age: {participant.age}")
print(f"Gender: {participant.gender}")
print(f"Race Type: {participant.race_type}")
print(f"Time: {participant.time} minutes")

def main():
participants = collect_participant_information()

if __name__ == "__main__":

This is a basic outline to get you started. Feel free to modify the code according to your specific requirements and to add more features if needed.