In lab, Will burns a 0.6 g peanut beneath 48 g of water, which increases in temperature from 22 degree C to 55 degree C. The amount of heat absorbed by the water can be found with the equation Q =cm \Delta T, where Q is the amount of heat, c the specific heat of water, m the mass of water, and \Delta T the change in the water's temperature.

A)Assuming that 38 % of the heat released makes its way to the water, find the food value of the peanut.
B)What is the food value in calories per gram?
C)What is the food value in Calories per gram?

heat from peanut= mc*deltaT/.38

value per gram= heat from peanut/.6

To find the food value of the peanut, you'll need to use the equation Q = cmΔT, where Q is the amount of heat, c is the specific heat of water, m is the mass of water, and ΔT is the change in temperature.

A) To find the amount of heat absorbed by the water, you first need to calculate the mass of water. In this case, it is given as 48 grams. Next, you need to calculate the change in temperature, which is ΔT = 55°C - 22°C = 33°C.

Using the equation Q = cmΔT, and knowing that 38% of the heat released makes its way to the water, you can set up the equation as:

0.38Q = (48g)(4.18 J/g°C)(33°C)

Rearranging the equation to solve for Q:

Q = (48g)(4.18 J/g°C)(33°C) / 0.38

Simplifying the equation:

Q = 5509.68 J

So, the amount of heat absorbed by the water is 5509.68 Joules.

B) To find the food value in calories per gram, you need to convert the amount of heat from Joules to calories. One calorie is equal to 4.18 Joules.

Converting the heat absorbed by the water:

5509.68 J / 4.18 J/cal = 1319.85 cal

Now, divide the food value by the mass of the peanut:

1319.85 cal / 0.6 g = 2199.75 cal

Therefore, the food value of the peanut is approximately 2199.75 calories per gram.

C) To find the food value in Calories per gram, you need to remember that 1 Calorie is equal to 1000 calories.

Converting the food value from calories to Calories:

2199.75 cal / 1000 = 2.19975 Cal

Therefore, the food value of the peanut is approximately 2.19975 Calories per gram.