Which of the following contrbuted to the heavy soil erosion in italy?

a. volcanic activity
b. heavy rainfall
c. over farming
d. overgrazing by goats and sheep

my answer: heavy rainfall
am i right?

and what part of italy is Venice located? is it central?

i meant northern italy

I think you're right.

Yes. Venice is in northeastern Italy.


Heavy rainfall and groundwater seepage in Southern Italy and Sardina have been the culprits. Why? The soil is heavy clay will little vegatative growth on it. Clay, when saturated, moves downhill.

YAY!!!!!! I just missed 1 out of 10. I got a 90%!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!


And thank you bobpusley.

You're very welcome.

Yes, you are correct. Heavy rainfall can contribute to soil erosion in Italy. However, there are other factors that can also contribute to soil erosion in the country. Let me explain each option to you:

a. Volcanic activity: Volcanic activity can cause soil erosion through the deposition of volcanic ash, which can become easily eroded by wind and water.

b. Heavy rainfall: Intense and frequent rainfall can contribute to soil erosion by washing away the top layer of soil. This erosion occurs when raindrops impact the soil surface and dislodge soil particles, which are then transported by runoff.

c. Over-farming: Excessive or improper farming practices, such as plowing without proper soil conservation techniques, can leave the soil exposed, making it more susceptible to erosion by wind and water.

d. Overgrazing by goats and sheep: When animals such as goats and sheep excessively graze on vegetation, it can lead to the removal of protective vegetation cover and expose the soil, making it more prone to erosion.

While heavy rainfall is one of the factors that contributes to soil erosion in Italy, it is important to consider the other factors as well.