At Jefferson College 15% of all students participate in athletics. If a class consists of 33 randomly selected students, how many of them would you expect to participate in athletics?

uh, how about 15% of them?

so, what's 15% of 33, rounded down?

Simplify 2x in the power of 1 multiply by 3 in the power of 2x minus 1

To solve this problem, you need to find 15% of 33.

First, convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100:

15 / 100 = 0.15

Next, multiply the decimal by the total number of students:

0.15 * 33 = <<0.15*33=4.95>>4.95

Since you can't have a fraction of a person, you would expect around 5 students (rounded up) to participate in athletics out of the randomly selected 33 students.