this what i meant..Short answer .Raise the quanity in parenthesisto the indicated exponents and simplify the resulting expression.Express with positive exponents.(50x^2y^-4/200x^-2y^4)^3


First you can simplify inside the parens:

x^2/x^-2 = x^4
y^-4/y^4 = y^-8 = 1/y^8
50/200 = 1/4

so, now you are left with

(x^4/4y^8)^3 = x^12/64y^24

(3x^ay^bz^c) (-y^fz^g)

To raise the quantity in parentheses to the indicated exponents, we need to apply the exponent to each term within the parentheses. Let's simplify the expression step-by-step:

Step 1: Start by simplifying the numerator and denominator separately.

Numerator: (50x^2y^-4)^3
To raise the quantity (50x^2y^-4) to the exponent 3, we need to multiply the exponents within the parentheses by 3.
50^3 = 125, x^2 * 3 = x^6, and y^-4 * 3 = y^-12.

Therefore, (50x^2y^-4)^3 simplifies to (125x^6y^-12).

Denominator: (200x^-2y^4)^3
Similarly, raise each term within the parentheses to the exponent 3:
200^3 = 8000000, x^-2 * 3 = x^-6, and y^4 * 3 = y^12.

Thus, (200x^-2y^4)^3 simplifies to (8000000x^-6y^12).

Step 2: Combine the numerator and denominator:

(125x^6y^-12) / (8000000x^-6y^12)

Since the denominator has negative exponents, we can rewrite them as positive exponents by moving them to the numerator:

(125x^6y^-12) * (x^6y^12/8000000)

Now, multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:

(125x^6y^-12) * (x^6y^12) / (8000000)


125x^6 * x^6 * y^-12 * y^12 / 8000000

Combine the like terms:

125x^(6+6) * y^(-12+12) / 8000000

125x^12 * y^0 / 8000000

Since any term raised to the power of 0 equals 1, y^0 simplifies to 1:

125x^12 * 1 / 8000000

Finally, simplify the expression:

125x^12 / 8000000

This is the simplified version of the given expression.