In a photograph, a man is 1.3cm tall and a flagpole is 4.8cm tall. If the man is 190 cm in real life, how tall is the flagpole, to the nearest centimetre?


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To find the height of the flagpole, we can set up a proportion using the information given.

Let's assign variables to the unknown values. Let the height of the flagpole be "x".

We'll set up the proportion using the ratios of the corresponding measurements in the photograph and real life.

The ratio between the height of the man in the photograph and his real height would be 1.3 cm in the photograph to 190 cm in real life.

So, the first part of the proportion is: 1.3 cm / 190 cm.

The ratio between the height of the flagpole in the photograph and its real height would be 4.8 cm in the photograph to "x" cm in real life.

The second part of the proportion is: 4.8 cm / x cm.

Now we can set up and solve the proportion:

1.3 cm / 190 cm = 4.8 cm / x cm

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

1.3 cm * x cm = 4.8 cm * 190 cm

x = (4.8 cm * 190 cm) / 1.3 cm

x ≈ 702.46 cm

Therefore, to the nearest centimeter, the flagpole is approximately 702 cm tall.