If Pete colored 1/2 of a poster and Rebecca colored 1/3 of the poster. What fraction still needs to be colored?

1 - ( 1 / 2 + 1 / 3 ) =

1 - ( 3 / 6 + 2 / 6 ) =

1 - 5 / 6 =

6 / 6 - 5 / 6 =

1 / 6


To find the fraction of the poster that still needs to be colored, we need to subtract the fractions that Pete and Rebecca already colored from the whole poster.

Pete colored 1/2 of the poster, which means there is 1/2 left to be colored.
Rebecca colored 1/3 of the poster, which means there is 2/3 left to be colored.

To subtract these fractions, we need to find a common denominator first. Since 2 and 3 don't have a common multiple other than 6, we can express both fractions with a denominator of 6.

Pete colored 1/2, which is equivalent to 3/6.
Rebecca colored 1/3, which is equivalent to 2/6.

Now, let's subtract these fractions:
3/6 - 2/6 = 1/6

Therefore, after Pete and Rebecca colored their portions, there is still 1/6 of the poster left to be colored.