how does the constitution compare with the articles of confederation? please help!!

To compare the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation, we first need to understand what they are. The Articles of Confederation were the first governing document of the United States, adopted in 1781 before the Constitution. However, due to several weaknesses, the Articles of Confederation were replaced by the Constitution in 1788.

To understand the comparison, we can examine a few key differences between the two:

1. Structure of Government: Under the Articles of Confederation, the central government was weak as it mainly focused on maintaining state sovereignty. There was a unicameral legislature (Congress) with each state having one vote. In contrast, the Constitution established a stronger federal government with a separation of powers among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

2. Powers of the Central Government: The Articles of Confederation granted limited powers to the central government, which mainly included declaring war, making peace, and conducting foreign affairs. The Constitution expanded these powers, allowing the federal government to levy taxes, regulate commerce, and raise an army, among others.

3. Relationship with the States: In the Articles of Confederation, the states retained significant power, and the central government had little authority over them. The Constitution shifted the balance of power by creating a more centralized government that could make and enforce laws over the states. This change aimed to address the weaknesses of the Articles, such as difficulties in coordinating national policies and regulating trade.

4. Amendment Process: The process to amend the Articles of Confederation required the unanimous consent of all the states, which led to substantial difficulties in making changes. The Constitution introduced a more practical amendment process, allowing amendments to be ratified with the approval of three-fourths of the states.

To compare the Constitution and Articles of Confederation comprehensively, you can evaluate these and other differences in detail. By studying the historical context, reading primary source documents, and consulting reputable sources, you can gain a deeper understanding of the reasons for the transition from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution and the impact of this change on the structure and functioning of the United States government.