absolute zero is the same as

Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature that can be reached, where molecular motion comes to a minimum and particles have their minimum energy. At absolute zero, the particles of a substance stop moving completely. It is denoted as 0 Kelvin or -273.15 degrees Celsius.

The concept of absolute zero is based on the Kelvin scale, which is an absolute temperature scale. Unlike the Celsius or Fahrenheit scales, which have arbitrary zero points, the Kelvin scale starts at absolute zero. In this scale, the temperature is measured in kelvin (K), where 1 kelvin is equal in size to 1 degree Celsius.

To compare it to other temperature scales:
- On the Celsius scale, absolute zero is -273.15 degrees Celsius.
- On the Fahrenheit scale, absolute zero is -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit.

Understanding the concept of absolute zero can enhance our understanding of thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and other areas of science.