Mr Thomas took 2hr to drive from Tokyo to Osaka.He then took another 4hr to complete the remaining 2/3 of the journey to Fukushima.His average speed for the 210km long journey was 35km/h.

1. If he reached Osaka at 12:30,at what time did Mr Thomas arrive at Fukushima?
2. What was the average speed for the journey from Osaka to Fukushima?

To find the time Mr. Thomas arrived at Fukushima, we will first calculate the time it took him to reach Osaka. We know that he drove from Tokyo to Osaka, a distance of 210 km, at an average speed of 35 km/h.

To find the time (T1) taken to reach Osaka, we can use the formula: time = distance / speed.

So, T1 = 210 km / 35 km/h = 6 hours.

Since Mr. Thomas reached Osaka at 12:30, we can determine the time he arrived by adding T1 to the arrival time.

Thus, the time he arrived at Fukushima is 12:30 + 6:00 = 18:30.

1. Mr. Thomas arrived at Fukushima at 18:30.

To find the average speed for the journey from Osaka to Fukushima, we need to determine the remaining distance he traveled and the time it took him.

We know that he completed the remaining 2/3 of the journey, which means the distance is 1/3 of the entire journey. So, the distance from Osaka to Fukushima is (1/3) * 210 km.

To calculate the time taken (T2), we can use the formula: time = distance / speed.

T2 = [(1/3) * 210 km] / 35 km/h.

Simplifying, we get T2 = (2/3) hours.

Since the average speed is calculated as total distance divided by the total time, we have:

Average speed = (distance from Osaka to Fukushima) / (time taken from Osaka to Fukushima).

Substituting the values, we get:

Average speed = [(1/3) * 210 km] / [(2/3) hours].

Simplifying, we find:

Average speed = (1/2) * 210 km/h.

Therefore, the average speed for the journey from Osaka to Fukushima is 105 km/h.

2. The average speed for the journey from Osaka to Fukushima is 105 km/h.