Yo ______ lavo ______ manos y ______ cara. ______ cepillo ______ dientes y ______ cepillo

______ pelo. Yo ______ pongo ______ ropa.

Parts of the body and articles of clothing usually use the definite article (el, la, los, las) especially when it's clear to whom it belongs.

1. Yo me lavo las manos y la cara.

2. (Yo) me cepillo los dientes y me cepillo el pelo.

3. Yo me pongo la ropa.


As Ms.Sue says, what are your choices? The exercise is very simple. Ren´s answers are wrong.

As an example:

Yo ME pongo una gorra cuando voy a correr en la tarde.
Yo ME pongo LA gorra...
Yo ME peino a la moda.

Yo me lavo mis manos y mi cara. Yo me cepillo los dientes y me cepillo mi pelo. Yo me pongo mi ropa

(Español de España)

Yo me lavo las manos y la cara. Me cepillo los dientes y me cepillo el pelo. Yo me pongo la ropa.

yo me

I'll send your post to SraJMcGin. In the meantime, why don't you try to fill in the blanks?

wth is this

This is a response to your previous message requesting a corrected version of the Spanish sentence. This corrected version provides the correct use of the definite articles for parts of the body and clothing in Spanish. Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

What choices of words do you have?

Yo me lavo ______ manos y ______ cara. yo cepillo los dientes y yo cepillo me pelo. Yo me pongo ______ ropa