What are gametes produced from the humanbody?

Spermatozoa and Oocytes... I thnk it should be that..

male gamete is sperm cell produced from sperm mother cell and female gamete is oocyte produced from ovary.

Gametes are reproductive cells that are produced by the human body. In males, the gametes are called sperm cells, while in females, they are called egg cells or ova. The production of gametes is called gametogenesis and occurs through a process called meiosis.

To understand how gametes are produced in the human body, we need to look at the process of spermatogenesis in males and oogenesis in females.

In males, spermatogenesis occurs in the testes. The seminiferous tubules within the testes are responsible for producing sperm cells. The process begins with diploid cells called spermatogonia undergoing mitosis to produce more spermatogonia. Some of these spermatogonia then differentiate into primary spermatocytes, which are diploid cells that undergo meiosis I. Meiosis I results in the formation of two haploid secondary spermatocytes. Each secondary spermatocyte then undergoes meiosis II to produce two haploid spermatids. Finally, these spermatids mature, develop a tail, and become sperm cells, which are then released into the epididymis and stored until ejaculation.

In females, oogenesis takes place in the ovaries. Unlike males, females are born with a finite number of primary oocytes, which remain arrested in prophase I of meiosis until puberty. Each month, during the menstrual cycle, one or a few primary oocytes are stimulated to resume meiosis. This process results in the formation of a secondary oocyte and a polar body. The secondary oocyte is the functional gamete that can be fertilized by a sperm cell. However, meiosis II is only completed if fertilization occurs. If fertilization occurs, the secondary oocyte divides unequally, producing a mature ovum (egg cell) and another polar body. The ovum is released from the ovary during ovulation and can potentially be fertilized by a sperm cell.

So, in summary, gametes are produced in the human body through the processes of spermatogenesis in males and oogenesis in females.