Can you please check of these sentencesa are possible? Thank you.

1) When will you get around to phoning me?
2) He forgot to switch the gas off and he burned the cake.
3) His mother took a day off to drive him to the beach.
4) Peter got at his brother for scolding him ( telling him off, ticking him off) in public.
5)Some students are taken on
If a person works at a career, it is the prospects of promotion and development opportunities that motivate him or her most.
6) I'm afraid I'm coming down with flu.
7)The teapot came apart in my hands and I burned myself.
8) The teacher let us off the hook. I don't have any homework for tomorrow.
(the teacher didn't give (assign) us any homework.
9 His career took off when he started writing books.

1 - 3 = OK

4. I'm not sure what "got at" means; the rest of the sentence and alternatives are fine.

5. I'm not sure what the first sentence means.

Smoother phrasing: If a person works at a career for a long time, the prospects of promotion and development opportunites motivate him or her most.

6. ... the flu.

7. OK

8. OK

9. OK