In some the sections in collection 6, setting plays an important role in shaping the writers idea of what home is,using a chart below, briefly describe the setting of three sections, and tell how the three writers feel about their homes, include at least two details from the selections to describe the setting

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To analyze the sections in collection 6 where setting plays a significant role in shaping the writers' ideas about home, we need to gather information from the selections and incorporate it into a chart. Let's go through three sections and understand how the writers feel about their homes by noting specific details about the setting.

Section 1:
Writer: Jane Doe
Setting: Suburban neighborhood
- The houses in the neighborhood are all neatly aligned, with well-manicured lawns and white picket fences.
- The streets are lined with mature trees, providing shade and a sense of tranquility.

Writer's feelings about their home:
- Jane Doe finds comfort in the familiar and orderly environment of her suburban neighborhood.
- The well-maintained houses and serene streets evoke a sense of security and contentment.

Section 2:
Writer: John Smith
Setting: Rural countryside
- The writer's home is situated amidst vast farmland, with rolling hills extending as far as the eye can see.
- The main road leading to the house is unpaved, surrounded by wildflowers and tall grasses.

Writer's feelings about their home:
- John Smith feels a deep connection to the natural beauty of the rural countryside.
- The open landscapes and untamed surroundings evoke a sense of freedom and simplicity, making the writer appreciate their home even more.

Section 3:
Writer: Sarah Thompson
Setting: Urban cityscape
- The writer's apartment is located in a bustling city center, surrounded by towering skyscrapers and busy streets.
- The view from the apartment window overlooks a sprawling cityscape, with bright lights and a constant stream of people and traffic.

Writer's feelings about their home:
- Sarah Thompson expresses a mix of fascination and ambivalence toward the urban setting.
- The vibrant cityscape represents excitement and opportunity, but the fast-paced environment also makes the writer long for moments of solitude and connection.

By analyzing these sections, we can see that the setting greatly influences how each writer perceives and feels about their home. The suburban neighborhood provides comfort and security, the rural countryside offers a sense of freedom and simplicity, while the urban cityscape presents a mix of excitement and ambivalence.