Showing work, what is 32.4 divide by 1038? :)

To find the answer to 32.4 divided by 1038, you can perform long division.

Step 1: Place the dividend (32.4) inside the division symbol (÷) and the divisor (1038) outside.

1038 | 32.4

Step 2: Start dividing by the largest place value of the divisor that can evenly go into the dividend. In this case, divide by 1000.

1038 | 32.4
- 31

Step 3: Write the result (0) above the division line, next to the decimal point in the quotient.

1038 | 32.4

Step 4: Bring down the next digit of the dividend (2) and place it after the remainder (31).

1038 | 32.4

Step 5: Divide the new number (31) by the divisor (1038) using the same process.

1038 | 32.4
- 31

Step 6: Write the result (0) above the division line, next to the previous quotient value.

1038 | 32.4

Step 7: Bring down the next digit (4) and place it after the remainder (52).

1038 | 32.4

Step 8: Divide the new number (520) by the divisor (1038) again.

1038 | 32.4
- 31
- 518

Step 9: Write the result (0) above the division line, next to the previous quotient value.

1038 | 32.4

Step 10: Since there are no more digits to bring down, we have completed the long division.

The final quotient is 0.031040.