My third piece.

Draft an email of at least four complete sentences to Deb Walker, the designated trainer:

A. Confirm the arrangements for the seminar providing only the information she needs to arrive at the right place at the right time.

B. copy both Mr. Dittmer and Ms. Hopkins

C. Create an appropriate email business address for yourself and inlcude it in the signature block.

TO: Deb.Walker blah blah
CC: Jeremy.Dittmer@blah; m_hopkins@blah
SUBJECT: Sexual harassment and unlawful discrimination in the workplace seminar

Dear Deb:

I am writing this email to confirm our arrangements for a seminar to be held at Broadworth General Hospital, on sexual harassment and unlawful discrimination in the workplace. The seminar is to be held September 14, 2012 at 10 am in the conference room located on the first floor in room 105. The seminar is to be 2 hours long with a 15 minute break that provides refreshments. As I understand you will provide the appropriate pamphlets and help line numbers for our employee’s, along with a projector to show statistics and graphs during your course.

If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesistate to contact me at 802-585-8668.

Shawna Paker
S_parker at blah blah

again, why do you start with the obvious (trite). Why do you not just say

Please confirm my understanding of our arrangements as we previously discussed:

Subject xxxx
what you will bring

If you have concerns, or questions on this, please....

I'll revise , thanks so much !

To draft an email of at least four complete sentences to Deb Walker, the designated trainer, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by correctly formatting the email by including the recipient, Deb Walker, in the "To" field and Jeremy Dittmer and Ms. Hopkins in the "CC" field. You can use their respective email addresses, Jeremy.Dittmer@blah and m_hopkins@blah.

2. Clearly state the subject of the email in the subject line. In this case, it would be "Sexual harassment and unlawful discrimination in the workplace seminar".

3. Start the email by addressing Deb using a proper salutation, such as "Dear Deb".

4. In the body of the email, confirm the arrangements for the seminar, providing only the necessary information for Deb to arrive at the right place at the right time. Include the date, time, and location of the seminar, as well as any additional details. For example, "The seminar is to be held on September 14, 2012, at 10 am in the conference room located on the first floor in room 105. The duration of the seminar will be 2 hours, with a 15-minute break for refreshments. Please remember to bring the appropriate pamphlets and helpline numbers for our employees, as well as a projector for presenting statistics and graphs."

5. End the email with a polite closing and your signature. You can create an appropriate email business address for yourself and include it in the signature block. For example, "If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 802-585-8668. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Shawna Parker. Email: S_parker@blah".

By following these steps, you can draft a complete email meeting the given requirements.