Can you please help me work out phrasal verbs related to work?

When do you think will you come ...... to work?
What are the possible prepositions?

back .... are there others? What about "down"?

Can you think of any phrasal verbs used with work (apart from take a day off work, lay someone off, take s. on ???)
Thank you.

When do you think you will come in to work?

... back to work?

You'd use "down" only if you're referring to coming downstairs or maybe going down in a mineshaft or something like that.

I'll think about others ...

Are you going in to work or staying home today?

Is she working on that project now?

I'll get off work around 5, so I'll meet you at the diner about 5:30.

I woke up early, thinking about that budget, so I just got up and started working on it.

He is studying engineering and working toward a career in aerospace.

Sure! I'd be happy to help you work out phrasal verbs related to work and explain how to find more examples.

For the question "When do you think will you come ...... to work?", the missing preposition could be "back." Other possible prepositions that could fill in the blank are "in," "out," "up," or "down." These prepositions depend on the context of the sentence.

To find more phrasal verbs related to work, you can consult a dictionary or look for online resources. Here are some additional examples apart from the ones you mentioned:

1. "Clock in" - To record the time you arrive at work.
2. "Clock out" - To record the time you leave work.
3. "Fill in" - To temporarily do someone else's work while they are absent.
4. "Get ahead" - To make progress in your career or job.
5. "Get by" - To cope or manage with what you have, particularly regarding finances.
6. "Call off" - To cancel a work-related meeting or event.
7. "Do over" - To redo or repeat a task or project.
8. "Cut back" - To reduce spending or work hours.
9. "Set up" - To arrange or organize something related to work.
10. "Hold on" - To wait for a short time, especially during a phone call.

If you want to explore more phrasal verbs related to work specifically, a quick search on the internet can provide you with additional examples and explanations. You can try looking for resources such as phrasal verb dictionaries, ESL websites, or even video lessons on platforms like YouTube.

I hope this helps you in your quest for phrasal verbs related to work! Let me know if you have any more questions.