You are a journalist. Write an article on the subject of young people's interest in computer games.

In your article you should:
- discuss the positive and negative aspects of playing such games.
- Persuade readers to take a balanced view towards the use of computer games.

Do you agree with people who believe that computer games are an important and essential part of life? It is a known fact that around the world millions of children slump in front of continuously flashing TV screens for hours on end.

Some individuals strongly believe that computer games are an utter waste of time, and ruin the minds of innocent young children. They picture a negative image of murdering and violence which brainwashes the children who play these disturbing games.

Important family time is pushed to the side, homework is never finished on time and this young person becomes antisocial and obese due to lack of exercise because the child spends every spare minute of his/her time on a console.

''These totally rubbish computer games have split up our family,'' revealed Chris, a father of 2 ''While my son is in his bedroom motionlessly playing the latest games on his console, his sister has run off to her friend's house, not to play innocent kids games, but to sit in front of a flashing screen.''

However, on the opposing side people are convinced that all this technology is a vital part of a young person's life and a fundamental for any skill or job he/she may take on when they grow up.

These individuals agree that playing computer games challenges your brain and teaches you how to solve problems and other tricks such as learning how to persuade people or negotiate with them. Furthermore, researchers have proved that at school young people learn better using computers..

In conclusion, it is my belief that children do benefit from using computers, but that their time in front of the screen must be limited. This way they will stay in good health and not become addicted. Parents should also control the games their children play and try to keep them away from games which are crammed with violence and choose ones with more morals or benefit in them...

Any suggestions would be gr8! and if you could please tell me if this gives a balanced view to the reader.

a known fact = redundant

Fix all run-ons.

Your paragraphing needs lots of work. In each paragraph, you should have the following:
- a topic sentence
- 2 or 3 supporting details for that topic sentence, reinforced by a sentence or two of explanation BY YOU about each detail.
- sometimes a transitional or conclusion sentence

A fully developed paragraph has 6-10 sentences in it.

Try again.

Title: Balancing the Joystick: Exploring the Ambivalence of Young People's Interest in Computer Games

In today's tech-driven world, computer games have become an integral part of young people's lives. While some argue that these games are a crucial aspect of personal and cognitive development, others condemn them as a mere waste of time. This article aims to discuss the positive and negative aspects of playing computer games, emphasizing the importance of adopting a balanced perspective.

The Negative Aspects:
Critics of computer games are concerned about the potential adverse effects they may have on young minds. They argue that excessive gaming can lead to social withdrawal, lack of physical exercise, and poor academic performance. Some worry that violent content could desensitize impressionable young individuals, leading to aggressive behavior and a distorted perception of reality.

Anecdotal evidence highlights the impact of excessive gaming on family dynamics, as parents struggle to engage with their children who are immersed in the virtual world. Moreover, the sedentary nature of prolonged gaming sessions may contribute to obesity and related health issues.

The Positive Aspects:
On the other side of the debate, proponents argue that computer games provide a unique platform for skill development and cognitive engagement. They assert that playing these games can sharpen problem-solving abilities, enhance strategic thinking, and foster creativity. Researchers have even found that interactive digital learning can be more effective than traditional pedagogical methods.

In addition to cognitive benefits, computer games can promote teamwork, communication skills, and decision-making abilities, as many popular games require collaboration and cooperation. Furthermore, some games encourage physical activity through motion-controlled interfaces and virtual reality simulations.

Promoting a Balanced Perspective:
Adopting a balanced view towards computer games is essential for guiding young people toward healthy and productive engagement with this medium. It is crucial to set limits on screen time, ensuring that adequate time is spent on physical activity, social interactions, and academic pursuits. Encouraging a variety of hobbies and interests can prevent overreliance on gaming and foster well-rounded development.

Parents should actively monitor the games their children play, choosing those that align with their family values and offer educational or moral content. Engaging in open dialogues about the content and themes of these games can also help young individuals develop critical thinking skills and media literacy.

Computer games undoubtedly possess both positive and negative aspects. While they offer opportunities for cognitive development and skill acquisition, excessive gaming can lead to detrimental consequences. Encouraging young people to strike a balance, setting boundaries, and selecting games wisely can pave the way for a healthy and productive relationship with technology. By fostering a nuanced understanding of computer games, we can empower young people to harness the potential of this medium while maintaining a well-rounded existence.