A bicycle wheel has a diameter of 60 cm. How far would it move if it is rolled through four


To calculate the distance a bicycle wheel would move if it is rolled through four revolutions, you can use the formula:

Distance = Circumference * Number of Revolutions

The circumference of a circle can be calculated using the formula:

Circumference = π * Diameter

Given that the diameter of the wheel is 60 cm, we can substitute the value into the formula to find the circumference:

Circumference = π * 60 cm

Now, we need to find the value of π (pi), which is approximately equal to 3.14159. Substituting this value into the equation:

Circumference = 3.14159 * 60 cm

Simplifying the equation:

Circumference = 188.49556 cm (rounded to the nearest centimeter)

Now that we have the circumference, we can calculate the distance by multiplying it by the number of revolutions. In this case, we are rolling the wheel through four revolutions:

Distance = 188.49556 cm * 4 revolutions

Distance = 753.98224 cm (rounded to the nearest centimeter)

Therefore, the bicycle wheel would move approximately 753.98 cm if it is rolled through four revolutions.

I rotation = 1 circumference = 2π(30) = 60π

So 4 rotations would be 240π cm