A clock was exactly on time at noon on Monday. At 8 Pm. on Tuesday it was 128 seconds slow. At that same rate, how much did it lose in 1/2 hour?

Question 2.
if carrots are selling at $.0125 a pound, how many pound we can buy for a dollor.
Answer 800.

1. There are 32 hours between noon on Monday and 8 pm on Tuesday.

2. Since the clock lost 128 seconds in these 32 hours, you can divide
128 by 32 to find out how how many seconds it lost in one hour. 128
divided by 32 is 4.

3. If the clock lost 4 seconds in an hour, then it must have lost 2
seconds in a half hour (4 divided by 2 equals 2)
so the answer is 2

To solve the first question, we need to find the rate at which the clock was losing time. Here's how we can do that:

1. Calculate the time difference between noon on Monday and 8 PM on Tuesday: 32 hours.
2. Calculate the total seconds in 32 hours: 32 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds = 115,200 seconds.
3. Divide the total seconds by the 128 seconds the clock was slow: 115,200 seconds / 128 seconds = 900.
4. This tells us that the clock loses 900 seconds every 32 hours.
5. Finally, we can calculate how much the clock would lose in 1/2 hour by dividing 900 seconds by 32 hours and multiplying by 1/2 hour: (900 seconds / 32 hours) * (1/2 hour) = 14.06 seconds (approximated to two decimal places).

Therefore, the clock would lose approximately 14.06 seconds in 1/2 hour.

To solve the second question, we need to find out how many pounds of carrots we can buy for one dollar. Here's how we can do that:

1. Divide one dollar by the cost of carrots per pound: $1 / $0.0125 per pound = 80.
2. This tells us that we can buy 80 pounds of carrots for one dollar.

Therefore, we can buy 80 pounds of carrots for one dollar.